
Research works (domestic)

The following is the research works in Japan we conduct. These works give students an opportunity to see sport trainer activities and clinical skills on site, which will be very influential to your future direction.
Expansion of domestic activity area and cultivation of human resources
Sport trainer activities

Students can learn the skills for reducing the pain of the troubled region of an injured sport player for early recovery so that they can "keep on winning", how to instruct sport players about physical conditioning, accident preventive measures and daily care to demonstrate their power more effectively and how to advise sport coaches and trainers on player supervision.
Personal & group trainer activities

"Health is the capital" can be applicable to everybody including sport players. Instruction of "pain prevention" by effective stretching exercises for companies and groups regardless of age and sex is also an important role of Judo therapists. You can join such a local activity any time.
Rehabilitation DMA & MPR activities
(Disused Muscular Activation & Muscular Power Reinforcement)

We have abundant leaning materials about approaches for antiaging and pain prevention methods by consciously using the muscles weakened by aging or lack of exercise in addition to effective muscle exercises as part of kinesitherapy using various kinds of exercise equipment.
Extra classes in orthopedic clinic and clinical training after graduation

For clinical training, students will have practical training in an orthopedic clinic in the 1st academic year, and special-field clinical training in the attached clinical training facility (Kyobun orthopedic clinic) in the 2nd academic year. However, students can also take extracurricular or postgraduate clinical trainings as an intern anytime.

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